Adventures in Property Management

Wednesday War Story - Courtroom Chronicles

System - Thursday, June 15, 2017
Property Management Blog

How many times does a tenant need to be locked out before they understand they were evicted? Sometimes way too many.

Recently we obtained an eviction order and had the tenant locked out. Later that evening, the tenant broke back into the property and resumed living there as though noth- ing happened. The police were called the following day and instructed them to leave. They left and a few hours later returned. The police were called again, and waited while the tenants re- moved motor homes and vehicles and the property was secured. Later that same evening, the tenants broke back into the property and resumed

living in there as though nothing happened. Fi- nally, our attorney and the landlord, accompanied by 5 police officers, arrived at the property the following morning and the tenants were arrested for trespassing. Even while they were cuffed, they continued to argue that they were not evicted and they should still be allowed to reside in the home. Our attorney and the officer explained that they were going to jail for trespassing and could no longer return to the property. These tenants still don’t understand why they are not living there, but luckily it didn’t take a 5th lockout to drive the point home.

For more courtroom stories or eviction questions please call Utah Eviction Law 801-610-9879 or visit them   at